Posts by dedkosbees


Pollinators-How do we protect them?featured

Beekeeping isn’t for everyone.  Over half of all new “beekeepers” are no longer doing it after two years.  It isn’t easy and there are a myriad of things to learn and apply to be successful. However, there are other ways to foster pollinators and create environmentally-friendly landscapes for bees, butterflies, wasps and many other “bugs”. Read more


Honey bee colony inside the wall?…”Extermination” alone isn’t enough!featured

If someone recommends exterminating (by chemical poisoning) an established honey bee colony inside a home wall cavity without also removing the honeycomb structures, Bee Wary!   This method may lead to further complications! Honeycomb left without attending bees will attract wax moths, which will hatch and may end up flying all over the living space Read more

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