Praying Mantis-predator to the honey bee , but also beneficial predator to garden pestsfeatured
Honey Bee swarm is trying to set up shop. 7B34E0BB-B675-4818-9142-45A9D6E1DB06a And now you know the end of the story…(Audio and video of fellow beekeeper Ed Caley-thanks for sharing, Ed!)
Great time with the kids and staff at Jewish day School today in Allentown. Contact me to present for your social, civic, or education group!
PARENTS AND TEACHERS! Here is an excellent way to teach kids about pollination! Available for down load in b/w or color format.
The Xerces Society is making a great effort to educate people and protect our pollinators. They produce tons of resources on their website. Check this out!
I set up a pollinator-friendly (honey bee, specifically) area in my small garden, using Ernst Seeds Honey Bee Forage Mixture, which contains 6 different types of clover. Ernst Seeds is a relatively-local (Erie, PA area)-sourced producer. This mix is designed to have plants alternately-blooming and overlapping May through September and should provide honey-bee-dedicated clover forage. Read more
Beekeepers are a very creative group, generally. The challenge of getting swarms or colonies out of tree trunks often creates innovative use of materials!
Swarm call from the Palmer Heights section of Palmer Township resulted in the collection of this nice-sized swarm. You can see one of the girls photo-bombed the picture and wanted to be up close and personal! Call/text/email if you see a swarm!